Updating Your Imported List of Properties

Every time you import a list of properties, Pebble will check to see if the property already exists in your Pebble account. It checks the county and APN (Assessor's Parcel Number) of the property in the import list against those already connected to Pebble.

In this article:

Importing List

To import a list go to Campaigns in the left sidebar menu and select your campaign.

Click on Import List in the top right corner.

Importing a list for the chosen campaign.

Click Browse to select the file and then click Upload.

Uploading a property list

Once the list of properties has been uploaded, Pebble will check to see if that property already exists in your Pebble account. This means that any additional property information will be added to the existing property, preventing duplicate listings.

For example, you have an existing property in Monterey County, CA with the APN "1234". If you upload a new list for Monterey County and one of your rows has APN 1234, Pebble will not create a new property. Instead, it will simply update the existing property with any new data from the newly imported list.

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