Stage Automations

Stage automation allows you to manage your leads automatically, whenever they enter a new stage. This article applies to all stages in the Deal Boards panel.

Task List Automation

One of our most used Stage automations is the Task List automation. This allows you to automatically apply a Task List onto a Deal when it hits a certain Stage in your Deal Board. Learn how to set this up by following the steps below:

Choosing a Stage to Setup an Automation

Navigate to the Deal Boards on the left sidebar menu. Select the board you want the stage to be automated. Once you have selected the board, the different stages will appear.

Choose a Stage and click on the three dots in the top right corner of it. Then, select Setup Automations. A new window will open.

Choosing a Stage to Setup an Automation

Click the Add Automation button. Click the Action dropdown to choose the type of automation.

Click the dropdown arrow to select the type of automation, below are the available options.

  • Assign to Team Member: assign the lead to a team member of your choosing. 
  • Unassign Team Member: unassign the lead to a team member of your choosing. 
  • Add Task List: add an existing task list to the lead.
  • Send to Integration: send the lead to an integration of your choosing.
Adding an automation

Setting up the Integration

Before you can send anything to an integration, you must first set up the integration.

Create new integrations by going to Settings > Integrations. For instructions on setting up a Zapier integration, click here.

Setting up an integration.

After you're done setting up the automation, click on Save.

Once you click on Save, you will see the saved automation. 

Stage automations will be triggered once a lead has been added to the specific stage.

Note: Existing leads within that stage before the creation of the automation will not trigger the automations. 

To trigger the automations for those existing prior leads, move the lead to a different stage, then move it back into the stage with the automations to trigger.

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