Call Answering Service Forms for Leads

If you are using a call answering service, Pebble can create a form for your call answering service agents to submit leads directly to Pebble. Let this article help you.

Adding a Lead Form

To create a lead form, log into your Pebble account and select an inbox you want the form to be connected to. Then, go to Settings. Once there, click on Add Lead Form on one of the existing inboxes. The form submission will direct the lead's information into the corresponding Inbox you have selected to create the form under.

Adding a lead form

Editing Forms

Navigate to the inbox where you want to edit a lead form. Click Settings in the upper-right section.

Scroll down to the lead forms and select the lead form you wish to edit. Click the Edit icon on the select lead form. The Inbox Lead Form window will open.

Going to the different lead forms

Note: By default, the form will ask for the lead's Name, Phone, Email, and Mailer Code.

Click the + Add New Field button to add a new lead qualifying question, or click the Edit button to edit an existing lead form.

You can create further lead-qualifying questions.  Qualifying questions can be answered in the form can take on the form of: 

  • Single-line text: answer in a single line of text.  
  • Dropdown: answer by selecting from a pre-defined list of dropdown items. 
  • Multi-line Text: answer in a paragraph of text. 
  • Yes/No: answer Yes or No.

Once the form is created you can now share the form with your call answering service.

Editing the selected lead form

Sharing the Form

By clicking the Public Form button at the top, you'll be taken to a webpage in which your potential call answering service can fill in the seller lead's information. This form will generate leads in the corresponding inbox. 

To share the link, copy-paste the URL and share it with your call answering service.

Sharing the Public Form to the call answering service

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