Marking Contacts ‘Do Not Mail’

By opting out of mailing, Pebble users will save on mailing costs. This contact information will be read as "Do Not Mail" and no mailer will be sent even if you upload the same seller information.  

Pebble has a feature that allows you to label a contact as "Do not mail". This means that you won't accidentally send any mails to that contact.

Note: The Do Not Mail flag is only used for mailing within Pebble. It will not affect anything that’s exported out.

There are two ways to mark a contact as Do-not-mail:

Marking 'Do Not Mail' Inside the Campaign Section

  1. Go to the Campaign Section > Choose the Campaign where the contact is in >  click the Edit icon. A small window will open.
  2. Scroll down and turn on the "Do Not Mail" toggle. Hit Save Contact.
Marking 'Do Not Mail' inside a campaign.

Marking 'Do Not Mail' Inside the Contacts Section

By going to the Contacts section, you can also search and mark a specific contact as Do Not Mail.

  1. Click Settings > Contacts.
  2. You can enter a name, email address, or phone number in the Search field.
  3. Choose the Contact information that you want to mark as "Do Not Mail".

  1. Click the Edit icon near 'Contact'. A small window will open showing the contact details.
  2. Scroll down and turn the 'Do Not Mail' toggle on. Hit Save Contact.
Marking a contact as 'Do Not Mail' inside the Contacts section.

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